These happy little faces appear on the cottage lawns at the farm.
In the 1800s, dandelions were considered extremely beneficial, however nowadays, most people consider them as weeds. Members of the sunflower family, they are actually highly nutritious and are a super bee food.

We have so many growing, that I decided to collect them to make some jelly.

Even though every part of the dandelion is edible, you have to cut the petals off, as the green parts of the flower are bitter. The green leaves are highly nutritious; apparently one cup of dandelion leaves yields 535% of your daily allowance of Vitamin K and 112% of Vitamin A.

You then soak the petals overnight to make a tea.

I added some sugar and lemon juice to the strained tea and then boiled it up until setting point and poured it into hot sterilised jars.
This delicious jelly is excellent on toast. Just like honey or bottled sunshine

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