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Building the dream

Project kitchen garden

1 October, 2021  |  Country Living, Farm, Kitchen garden, Monaro, New South Wales, Snowy Mountains

We have been busy getting some raised beds ready for spring planting. I have a bunch of seedlings growing in the cold frames.

I have started lots of seeds inside on heat mats and also have a cold frame set up with heat mats to extend the growing season. These seedlings will then be hardened off and planted out, once we know the winner of the Melbourne Cup.

The raised beds have been built out of sleepers with mild steel angles on the corners. We have used copper strips on the edge of each bed which is a snail/slug deterrent. We had the steel angles cut by the local steel shop and bought the rolls of copper tape online.

We have used poly pipe to put irrigation on each bed. Over the years we have found that dripper line is the best for vegetable beds.

And now we just have to wait for some gravel to surround them and get planting!

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